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五大贼王 5:身世谜图 - 五大賊王 5:身世謎圖 [Five Thief Lords 5: The Mystery of Huo Xiaoxie's Origin]
- By: 张海帆 - 張海帆 - Zhang Haifan
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 17 hrs and 24 mins
- Unabridged
火小邪一行历经万难,终于成功闯关,宝鼎近在咫尺。不料此时,日本忍者却迎面杀来,宝鼎被夺,贼王尽出…… 火小邪一行歷經萬難,終於成功闖關,寶鼎近在咫尺。不料此時,日本忍者卻迎面殺來,寶鼎被奪,賊王盡出……
五大贼王 5:身世谜图 - 五大賊王 5:身世謎圖 [Five Thief Lords 5: The Mystery of Huo Xiaoxie's Origin]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 五大贼王 - 五大賊王 [Five Thief Lords], Book 5
- Length: 17 hrs and 24 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £22.99 or 1 Credit
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五大贼王 1:落马青云 - 五大賊王 1:落馬青雲 [Five Thief Lords 1: The Sacking of Top Officials]
- By: 张海帆 - 張海帆 - Zhang Haifan
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 20 hrs and 47 mins
- Unabridged
贼王世家、五行至尊圣王鼎、封建王朝三者之间是否有着惊天动地的隐秘联系?民国时期,天下动荡,军阀割据。奉天小贼火小邪无意中被卷入盗取御风神捕保管的女身玉密谋之中,经历兄弟惨死、亡命天涯,一路凶险,天赋异禀的他能否化险为夷?…… 賊王世家、五行至尊聖王鼎、封建王朝三者之間是否有著驚天動地的隱秘聯繫?民國時期,天下動盪,軍閥割據。奉天小賊火小邪無意中被捲入盜取禦風神捕保管的女身玉密謀之中,經歷兄弟慘死、亡命天涯,一路兇險,天賦異稟的他能否化險為夷?
五大贼王 1:落马青云 - 五大賊王 1:落馬青雲 [Five Thief Lords 1: The Sacking of Top Officials]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 五大贼王 - 五大賊王 [Five Thief Lords], Book 1
- Length: 20 hrs and 47 mins
- Release date: 23-10-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £26.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £26.99 or 1 Credit
雍正皇帝 1:九王夺嫡 - 雍正皇帝 1:九王奪嫡 [Yongzheng Emperor 1: Nine Kings and the Fight for the Throne]
- By: 二月河 - 二月河 - Eryue He
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 32 hrs and 31 mins
- Unabridged
阿哥党争,杀机隐隐,龙庭易主,雍正险胜。改诏说,弑父说,继位说?一段历史,几多疑云,扑朔迷离,令人难解难分…… 阿哥黨爭,殺機隱隱,龍庭易主,雍正險勝。改詔說,弒父說,繼位說?一段歷史,幾多疑雲,撲朔迷離,令人難解難分……
雍正皇帝 1:九王夺嫡 - 雍正皇帝 1:九王奪嫡 [Yongzheng Emperor 1: Nine Kings and the Fight for the Throne]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 雍正皇帝 - 雍正皇帝 [Yongzheng Emperor], Book 1
- Length: 32 hrs and 31 mins
- Release date: 23-10-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £27.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £27.99 or 1 Credit
雍正皇帝 2:雕弓天狼 - 雍正皇帝 2:雕弓天狼 [Yongzheng Emperor 2: The Internecine Struggle Beneath]
- By: 二月河 - 二月河 - Eryue He
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 34 hrs and 10 mins
- Unabridged
九王夺嫡,雍正险胜,紫禁城新桃换旧符。但树欲静而风未止,皇城内外,大江南北,仍杀机四伏。八爷党死而未僵,取代之心,咄咄逼人;专间将军年羹尧倨功自傲,拥军干政;连托孤重臣隆科多也脚踏两只船,擅派兵丁入禁苑…… 九王奪嫡,雍正險勝,紫禁城新桃換舊符。但樹欲靜而風未止,皇城內外,大江南北,仍殺機四伏。八爺黨死而未僵,取代之心,咄咄逼人;專間將軍年羹堯倨功自傲,擁軍干政;連託孤重臣隆科多也腳踏兩隻船,擅派兵丁入禁苑……
雍正皇帝 2:雕弓天狼 - 雍正皇帝 2:雕弓天狼 [Yongzheng Emperor 2: The Internecine Struggle Beneath]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 雍正皇帝 - 雍正皇帝 [Yongzheng Emperor], Book 2
- Length: 34 hrs and 10 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £27.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £27.99 or 1 Credit
大清相国 - 大清相國 [Premier of the Qing Dynasty]
- By: 王跃文 - 王躍文 - Wang Yuewen
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 34 hrs and 25 mins
- Unabridged
大清相国 - 大清相國 [Premier of the Qing Dynasty]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 34 hrs and 25 mins
- Release date: 05-02-18
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £27.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £27.99 or 1 Credit
富甲天下:大盛魁 2 - 富甲天下:大盛魁 2 [Dashengkui: The Wealthiest Transnational Trading Firm of the Qing Dynasty 2]
- By: 梅锋 - 梅鋒 - Mei Feng, 王路沙 - 王路沙 - Wang Lusha
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 19 hrs and 38 mins
- Unabridged
大盛魁的赊销生意出师不利,导致散伙。王相卿成功请到蒙古权贵为赊销生意提供担保,解决了原有的弊端,重振商号。负气出走的张杰和返乡探亲的史大学也都回到了大盛魁。与此同时,皇商孙家迎来了新的当家人孙文举…… 大盛魁的賒銷生意出師不利,導致散伙。王相卿成功請到蒙古權貴為賒銷生意提供擔保,解決了原有的弊端,重振商號。負氣出走的張杰和返鄉探親的史大學也都回到了大盛魁。與此同時,皇商孫家迎來了新的當家人孫文舉……
富甲天下:大盛魁 2 - 富甲天下:大盛魁 2 [Dashengkui: The Wealthiest Transnational Trading Firm of the Qing Dynasty 2]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 富甲天下: 大盛魁 - 富甲天下: 大盛魁 [Dashengkui: The Wealthiest Transnational Trading Firm of the Qing Dynasty], Book 2
- Length: 19 hrs and 38 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £25.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £25.99 or 1 Credit
最后的八旗 2:通天神树 - 最後的八旗 2:通天神樹 [The Last Mandarin 2: The Heavenly Tree]
- By: 赵力 - 趙力 - Zhao Li, 张育新 - 張育新 - Zhang Yuxin
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 22 hrs and 35 mins
- Unabridged
经过三千屯丁试垦,古城子比屋环居,人们安土乐业,大有井田遗风。尤其是京旗屯田,更为满洲故里带来了勃勃的生机。然而,由于朝廷首鼠两端,京旗子弟忌惮稼穑之苦,轰轰烈烈的古城子屯田就要就此终结吗?…… 經過三千屯丁試墾,古城子比屋環居,人們安土樂業,大有井田遺風。尤其是京旗屯田,更為滿洲故里帶來了勃勃的生機。然而,由於朝廷首鼠兩端,京旗子弟忌憚稼穡之苦,轟轟烈烈的古城子屯田就要就此終結嗎?
最后的八旗 2:通天神树 - 最後的八旗 2:通天神樹 [The Last Mandarin 2: The Heavenly Tree]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 最后的八旗 - 最後的八旗 [The Last Mandarin], Book 2
- Length: 22 hrs and 35 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £29.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £29.99 or 1 Credit
富甲天下:大盛魁 1 - 富甲天下:大盛魁 1 [Dashengkui: The Wealthiest Transnational Trading Firm of the Qing Dynasty 1]
- By: 梅锋 - 梅鋒 - Mei Feng, 王路沙 - 王路沙 - Wang Lusha
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 19 hrs and 19 mins
- Unabridged
清朝康熙年间,一代枭雄噶尔丹的铁骑再次席卷蒙古草原,威胁内地。康熙皇帝毅然出兵征讨。为筹措军需粮饷,他下旨向山西的“八大皇商”借钱,太谷武家堡村的孙家也在其中。而这件大事,改变了一个名叫王相卿的穷小子的命运。…… 清朝康熙年間,一代梟雄噶爾丹的鐵騎再次席捲蒙古草原,威脅內地。康熙皇帝毅然出兵征討。為籌措軍需糧餉,他下旨向山西的「八大皇商」借錢,太谷武家堡村的孫家也在其中。而這件大事,改變了一個名叫王相卿的窮小子的命運。
富甲天下:大盛魁 1 - 富甲天下:大盛魁 1 [Dashengkui: The Wealthiest Transnational Trading Firm of the Qing Dynasty 1]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 富甲天下: 大盛魁 - 富甲天下: 大盛魁 [Dashengkui: The Wealthiest Transnational Trading Firm of the Qing Dynasty], Book 1
- Length: 19 hrs and 19 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £23.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £23.99 or 1 Credit
富甲天下:大盛魁 3 - 富甲天下:大盛魁 3 [Dashengkui: The Wealthiest Transnational Trading Firm of the Qing Dynasty 3]
- By: 梅锋 - 梅鋒 - Mei Feng, 王路沙 - 王路沙 - Wang Lusha
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 15 hrs and 6 mins
- Unabridged
在饱受磨难之后,王相卿于商业理念层面也达到了一个新的境界,通过师傅老采头的对联而悟“舍得”之道,从而将商号带入真正良性发展的阶段。而他最大的对手孙文举,却因不断膨胀的贪欲,最终落得了倒台的结局…… 在飽受磨難之後,王相卿於商業理念層面也達到了一個新的境界,通過師傅老采頭的對聯而悟「捨得」之道,從而將商號帶入真正良性發展的階段。而他最大的對手孫文舉,卻因不斷膨脹的貪欲,最終落得了倒台的結局……
富甲天下:大盛魁 3 - 富甲天下:大盛魁 3 [Dashengkui: The Wealthiest Transnational Trading Firm of the Qing Dynasty 3]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 富甲天下: 大盛魁 - 富甲天下: 大盛魁 [Dashengkui: The Wealthiest Transnational Trading Firm of the Qing Dynasty], Book 3
- Length: 15 hrs and 6 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £26.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £26.99 or 1 Credit
最后的八旗 1:拉林河阳 - 最後的八旗 1:拉林河陽 [The Last Mandarin 1: Lalin River Adret]
- By: 赵力 - 趙力 - Zhao Li, 张育新 - 張育新 - Zhang Yuxin
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 20 hrs and 14 mins
- Unabridged
故事以清朝嘉庆十年的一段真实的历史事件开篇,描写了抓帽胡同闲居作废、生活拮据的八旗子弟的不同遭遇…… 故事以清朝嘉慶十年的一段真實的歷史事件開篇,描寫了抓帽胡同閒居作廢、生活拮据的八旗子弟的不同遭遇……
最后的八旗 1:拉林河阳 - 最後的八旗 1:拉林河陽 [The Last Mandarin 1: Lalin River Adret]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 最后的八旗 - 最後的八旗 [The Last Mandarin], Book 1
- Length: 20 hrs and 14 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £25.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £25.99 or 1 Credit
最后的八旗 3:末世微光 - 最後的八旗 3:末世微光 [The Last Mandarin 3: The Glimmer at the End of the Qing Dynasty]
- By: 赵力 - 趙力 - Zhao Li, 张育新 - 張育新 - Zhang Yuxin
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 22 hrs and 41 mins
- Unabridged
光绪宣统年间的古城子,传统道德的堤坝轰然垮塌。贪官索要万民伞,村愚把落草为寇当成乐子。甲午之衰,光绪奇灾,俄人筑路,两次跑毛子,宣统鼠疫浩劫…… 光緒宣統年間的古城子,傳統道德的堤壩轟然垮塌。貪官索要萬民傘,村愚把落草為寇當成樂子。甲午之衰,光緒奇災,俄人築路,兩次跑毛子,宣統鼠疫浩劫……
最后的八旗 3:末世微光 - 最後的八旗 3:末世微光 [The Last Mandarin 3: The Glimmer at the End of the Qing Dynasty]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 最后的八旗 - 最後的八旗 [The Last Mandarin], Book 3
- Length: 22 hrs and 41 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £29.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £29.99 or 1 Credit
莽荒诡境 2 - 莽荒詭境 2 [A Desolate and Mysterious Land 2]
- By: 无意归 - 無意歸 - Wuyigui
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 18 hrs and 51 mins
- Unabridged
很多地球上不可解的神秘、灵异现象,都与地外文明有关。在地球45亿年历史中,外星文明曾经多次光临地球,并留下许多他们到达地球的证据…… 很多地球上不可解的神秘、靈異現象,都與地外文明有關。在地球45億年歷史中,外星文明曾經多次光臨地球,並留下許多他們到達地球的證據……
莽荒诡境 2 - 莽荒詭境 2 [A Desolate and Mysterious Land 2]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 莽荒诡境 - 莽荒詭境 [A Desolate and Mysterious Land], Book 2
- Length: 18 hrs and 51 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £24.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £24.99 or 1 Credit
骗枭 2 - 騙梟 2 [The Great Deceiver 2]
- By: 冯精志 - 馮精志 - Feng Jingzhi
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 19 hrs and 7 mins
- Unabridged
几个江南学子进京后,各取所好,有的沉迷于八大胡同的欢声浪语中,有的搜寻古迹文物。但因为没能如愿以偿,于是乎来到古都开封…… 幾個江南學子進京後,各取所好,有的沉迷於八大胡同的歡聲浪語中,有的搜尋古蹟文物。但因為沒能如願以償,於是乎來到古都開封……
骗枭 2 - 騙梟 2 [The Great Deceiver 2]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 骗枭 - 騙梟 [The Great Deceiver], Book 2
- Length: 19 hrs and 7 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £24.99 or 1 Credit
Sale price: £24.99 or 1 Credit
骗枭 3 - 騙梟 3 [The Great Deceiver 3]
- By: 冯精志 - 馮精志 - Feng Jingzhi
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 18 hrs and 31 mins
- Unabridged
几个江南学子进京后,各取所好,有的沉迷于八大胡同的欢声浪语中,有的搜寻古迹文物。但因为没能如愿以偿,于是乎来到古都开封…… 幾個江南學子進京後,各取所好,有的沉迷於八大胡同的歡聲浪語中,有的搜尋古蹟文物。但因為沒能如願以償,於是乎來到古都開封……
骗枭 3 - 騙梟 3 [The Great Deceiver 3]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 骗枭 - 騙梟 [The Great Deceiver], Book 3
- Length: 18 hrs and 31 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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莽荒诡境 1 - 莽荒詭境 1 [A Desolate and Mysterious Land 1]
- By: 无意归 - 無意歸 - Wuyigui
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 19 hrs and 32 mins
- Unabridged
很多地球上不可解的神秘、灵异现象,都与地外文明有关。在地球45亿年历史中,外星文明曾经多次光临地球,并留下许多他们到达地球的证据…… 很多地球上不可解的神秘、靈異現象,都與地外文明有關。在地球45億年歷史中,外星文明曾經多次光臨地球,並留下許多他們到達地球的證據……
莽荒诡境 1 - 莽荒詭境 1 [A Desolate and Mysterious Land 1]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 莽荒诡境 - 莽荒詭境 [A Desolate and Mysterious Land], Book 1
- Length: 19 hrs and 32 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £25.99 or 1 Credit
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雍正皇帝 3:恨水东逝 - 雍正皇帝 3:恨水東逝 [Yongzheng Emperor 3: Sudden Passing]
- By: 二月河 - 二月河 - Eryue He
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 37 hrs and 34 mins
- Unabridged
年羹尧赐死,隆科多圈禁,但八爷党余威未尽。王府密议,欲借铁帽子王逼雍正逊位;乾清宫内,唇枪舌战,风浪迭起。一边是赫赫天威,雍正严惩骨肉众兄弟,一边是缠绵缱绻,强留酷似旧情人的弟媳…… 年羹堯賜死,隆科多圈禁,但八爺黨餘威未盡。王府密議,欲借鐵帽子王逼雍正遜位;乾清宮內,唇槍舌戰,風浪迭起。一邊是赫赫天威,雍正嚴懲骨肉眾兄弟,一邊是纏綿繾綣,強留酷似舊情人的弟媳……
雍正皇帝 3:恨水东逝 - 雍正皇帝 3:恨水東逝 [Yongzheng Emperor 3: Sudden Passing]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 雍正皇帝 - 雍正皇帝 [Yongzheng Emperor], Book 3
- Length: 37 hrs and 34 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £26.99 or 1 Credit
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骗枭 1 - 騙梟 1 [The Great Deceiver 1]
- By: 冯精志 - 馮精志 - Feng Jingzhi
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 15 hrs and 30 mins
- Unabridged
几个江南学子进京后,各取所好,有的沉迷于八大胡同的欢声浪语中,有的搜寻古迹文物。但因为没能如愿以偿,于是乎来到古都开封…… 幾個江南學子進京後,各取所好,有的沉迷於八大胡同的歡聲浪語中,有的搜尋古蹟文物。但因為沒能如願以償,於是乎來到古都開封……
骗枭 1 - 騙梟 1 [The Great Deceiver 1]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 骗枭 - 騙梟 [The Great Deceiver], Book 1
- Length: 15 hrs and 30 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £19.99 or 1 Credit
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张居正 1:木兰歌 - 張居正 1:木蘭歌 [Zhang Juzheng 1]
- By: 熊召政 - 熊召政 - Xiong Zhaozheng
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 24 hrs and 41 mins
- Unabridged
首卷《木兰歌》主要讲述张居正与首辅高拱两位权臣之间的政治斗争,通过演播的倾心演绎,为听众更加鲜活的展现这位为后世褒贬的历史人物。…… 首卷《木蘭歌》主要講述張居正與首輔高拱兩位權臣之間的政治鬥爭,通過演播的傾心演繹,為聽眾更加鮮活的展現這位為後世褒貶的歷史人物。
张居正 1:木兰歌 - 張居正 1:木蘭歌 [Zhang Juzheng 1]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 张居正 - 張居正 [Zhang Juzheng], Book 1
- Length: 24 hrs and 41 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £20.99 or 1 Credit
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五大贼王 2:火门三关 - 五大賊王 2:火門三關 [Five Thief Lords 2: Three Traps at the Gate of Fire]
- By: 张海帆 - 張海帆 - Zhang Haifan
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 17 hrs and 28 mins
- Unabridged
火家召徒,各路盗贼为入火家纷纷亮出看家本领,百般技艺齐上阵。挑战贼王,需过三关!每一关危机四伏,盗取器物也光怪陆离,皆是生死攸关!金木水火土,五大世家陆续亮相,暗中有何玄机?火小邪历经艰辛,最终能否如愿成为火家弟子?…… 火家召徒,各路盜賊為入火家紛紛亮出看家本領,百般技藝齊上陣。挑戰賊王,需過三關!每一關危機四伏,盜取器物也光怪陸離,皆是生死攸關!金木水火土,五大世家陸續亮相,暗中有何玄機?火小邪歷經艱辛,最終能否如願成為火家弟子?
五大贼王 2:火门三关 - 五大賊王 2:火門三關 [Five Thief Lords 2: Three Traps at the Gate of Fire]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 五大贼王 - 五大賊王 [Five Thief Lords], Book 2
- Length: 17 hrs and 28 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £22.99 or 1 Credit
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张居正 4:火凤凰 - 張居正 4:火鳳凰 [Zhang Juzheng 4]
- By: 熊召政 - 熊召政 - Xiong Zhaozheng
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Length: 26 hrs and 53 mins
- Unabridged
张居正去世仅三个多月,骸骨未寒,政争纷起,万历裁撤其生前干臣,赶走冯保,尽否其生前一应改革措施,历时数年的万历新政从此夭折…… 張居正去世僅三個多月,骸骨未寒,政爭紛起,萬曆裁撤其生前幹臣,趕走馮保,盡否其生前一應改革措施,歷時數年的萬曆新政從此夭折……
张居正 4:火凤凰 - 張居正 4:火鳳凰 [Zhang Juzheng 4]
- Narrated by: 周建龙 - 周建龍 - Zhou Jianlong
- Series: 张居正 - 張居正 [Zhang Juzheng], Book 4
- Length: 26 hrs and 53 mins
- Release date: 07-11-17
- Language: Mandarin Chinese
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Regular price: £23.99 or 1 Credit
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