• Ep 88 - Let's Inspire, Inform, Instruct and Include Students. A Conversation with Dr. Anashay Wright
    Jan 7 2025

    Join Julie and Ginger as they speak with Anashay Wright, a national award-winning educator, speaker, consultant, and ​​founder of Authentic Disruption and Disruptive Partners, a community-based leadership development program.


    Anashay describes her journey by telling a story of inclusive school leaders who surrounded her family with community resources when they were in need. She says that school and district leaders prioritized people over policy, which led to Anashay falling in love with helping children, and she is now paying it forward.

    Here are some great takeaways from Anashay:

    The curriculum can’t save you.

    Brainwash them into greatness.

    Use the community as a connector.

    Use tech and AI to educate.

    Kids don’t need Saviorism; they need servant leaders.

    Kids can read! They read what they want. You can drive solutions with what kids CAN do. If they argue, teach them to argue like an attorney.

    Beware of the cycle of impoverished thinking.

    Give them the power to express themselves, and then listen to them.

    Beware of deficit thinking that shames people.

    What are the gifts and talents that you bring into the space?

    Let them dream. Lead with what’s possible. It starts with the adult dreaming.

    Make their vision your mission.

    Lead with radical, disruptive love.

    The question isn’t how we protect kids from trauma; it’s how we help them respond to it when they encounter it.

    Our favorite quote from Anashay:

    When we start to lead with what’s possible and the promise, shift our thinking, and actually believe in ourselves and then in our children, we will disrupt the system. Disruptive Innovation means building something better and ignoring what we currently have. In a classroom, that means if all the other teachers are writing kids up, I’m not going to write kids up. I’m simply gonna ask kids, “What’s wrong, what’s the solution, and how are you feeling?” The big and small moves you make every day when nobody is looking disrupt the system.

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    35 mins
  • Ep 87: Understanding Interoception: The Mind-Body Disconnect
    Dec 24 2024

    Join Julie and Ginger in speaking to Occupational Therapist, Kelly Mahler about Interoception and the body-mind disconnect.

    Kelly teaches that as caregivers and educators, we should be curious without expectation of a response from the children we work with.

    She also explains that we all have different internal experiences; our first step is to believe others and their experiences.

    Kelly tells us that before we start working on helping and healing the body-mind connection, we really need to work towards a place of regulation and help that person feel safe in their body and environment.

    Check out her website here:


    And her Big Book of Interoception Games (and other resources) here:


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    40 mins
  • Ep 86: No More Sad Mommas; No More Sad Babies
    Dec 10 2024

    Join Julie and Ginger in speaking to Carey Sipp talking about early childhood intervention.

    Carey is a solutions journalist and “Neuro-Nurturing ®” advocate who has written about the science of adverse childhood experiences* (ACEs) for about 15 years. She has also worked in communications for nonprofit organizations and for-profit organizations for some four decades. As a person with the experience of trauma and depression, Sipp’s inherent empathy is reflected in all her work, be it writing, speaking, or advocating. An avid nature photographer, shew also loves taking photographs of children and families. Sipp is thrilled that her children, now “thirty-somethings”, are living their dreams of active outdoor lifestyles and careers in recreation and healthcare in Montana.

    Carey refers to the following resources:

    PACEs science

    Deb McNelis Neuro-Nurturing ®” -https://www.braininsightsonline.com/

    “First 60 Days” booklet: Leveraging author’s work and movement could spark revolution to prevent and heal trauma, one precious baby, child, and caregiver at a time.

    Carey’s book: https://a.co/d/eyAGX7q

    Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey “What happened to you?” https://a.co/d/0HqYxfD

    Dr. Christina Bethel


    Ed Tronick-The Power of Discord



    Still face baby experiment video


    How to raise a Viking


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    37 mins
  • Ep 85: Back to the Basics - The Trauma-Sensitive School Basics
    Nov 26 2024

    Join Ginger and Julie as they talk to Mathew Portell. Mathew has dedicated a decade and a half to education in his role as a teacher, instructional coach, teacher mentor, and school administrator before joining PACES Connection as the director of communities in March 2022. He spent seven years as principal of Fall-Hamilton Elementary, an internationally recognized innovative model school for trauma-informed practices in Metro Nashville Public Schools. Mathew is now back in the building as a principal and has written a book along with Ingrid Cockrhen, Julie Kirtz, Julie Nicholson, and Tyesha Noise entitled Reducing Stress in Schools.

    Check out Mathew’s book: Reducing Stress in Schools: Restoring Connection and Community

    Mathew gives the following advice: Don’t get caught up in the job and forget about the work. Get back to the basics and listen for what the fundamental truths are in trauma-informed educational environments.

    Mathew tells us that “Kids can’t achieve academics if their social and emotional health needs aren’t met.”

    He also says, “We have to base all our decisions on what we say and who we say we are. If we say we are student-focused and adult-supported, then the decision we make has to mirror that. It’s huge when developing a school culture that is looking to reduce stress. You gotta know who you are first, establish your identity as an individual school then document it. Create your core values and then as you make decisions align them with who you say you are.”

    Be sure to view the "Every student Known" video.

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    52 mins
  • Ep 84: Digging into Attachment and Parenting Challenges
    Nov 12 2024

    In this episode Ginger and Julie talk to Dafna Lender who is an international trainer, EMDR therapist, and supervisor for practitioners who work with children and families. She is a certified trainer and supervisor/consultant in Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy and Theraplay. Dafna’s expertise is drawn from 25 years working with families with attachment issues in many settings. She is a leader in family therapy from an attachment perspective and is passionate about her work and regularly co-trains with Bessel van der Kolk, Peter Levine, Ed Tronick, and Dan Hughes. She is the author of Integrative Attachment Family Therapy and Theraplay: The Practitioner’s Guide.


    Listen in as Julie and Ginger talk with Dafna about therapeutic parenting, attachment, and more!

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    45 mins
  • Ep 83: Being Safe Enough Not to Bully
    Oct 29 2024

    Listen in as Julie and Ginger talk to Ginger Lewman about Bullying.

    Ginger Lewman is a national consultant & keynote speaker with ESSDACK, a non-profit education service center based in Hutchinson Kansas. She holds a Master of Science in Psychology and Special Education and Gifted Education, With 30 years in education, she inspires and helps all levels of educators figure out the hard hurdles for innovative teaching and learning.

    Why do people bully? There are many reasons but Ginger boils it down to the messages we hear as kids and feeling a lack of safety, dignity and/or belonging.

    Ginger encourages us to get upstream and gives great strategies and tools and states that these and other tools are best utilized in an environment steeped daily in the foundation of the science of trauma and resilience-building and utilizing restorative practices whenever conflict arises anywhere.

    “Once we become unafraid of our own stories, we all become safer.” ~ Steve Halley




    Peaceful Schools and Families: https://www.essdack.org/psf

    Favorite takeaways:

    It is difficult work for someone who is hurt, for someone who has hurt other people to move toward conflict. They’ve got to listen to them and they can only do that if I feel safe.

    When we’re talking about bringing people into circle toward conflict this is an opportunity for each person to examine what their role has been. It’s not just “you did it”, it’s “we are experiencing this and this is not good for any of us in our community, this isn’t about you just cleaning up what you did wrong”. It’s all of us.

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    39 mins
  • Ep 82: Oxytocin - What it is and what we need to know
    Oct 15 2024

    In Episode 82, Ginger & Julie dig into Oxytocin. Oxytocin is often called the “love” or “cuddle” hormone.

    High levels of oxytocin correlate with the speed of wound healing. Research is documenting the positive effects of oxytocin in treating many conditions including heart disease, schizophrenia, diabetes, and certain kinds of cancer.

    For children who have experienced early adversities with attachment disorders and trauma-based impacts, increasing their oxytocin levels holds the promise of helping them emotionally, socially, relationally, and physically.

    Besides physical touch and affection other things that increase oxytocin:

    • Exercise
    • Healthy Diet
    • Vitamin D
    • Music

    The following additional resources were mentioned

    Dr. Stephen Porges https://www.stephenporges.com/

    Amelia and Emily Nagoski https://www.burnoutbook.net/about-the-authors

    Dr. Louis Cozolino https://www.drloucozolino.com/

    Drs. Dan Hughes and Jon Baylin -Brain-Based Parenting book- https://a.co/d/gUWRjQF

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    36 mins
  • Ep 81: The Theory of Hope
    Oct 1 2024

    In this episode Julie and Ginger interview ATN’s dear friend, Dr. Melissa Sadin. Melissa teaches us about Hope Theory based on the work of Gwinn and Hellman and their book Hope Rising. You can check out Dr. Sadin’s books and work here: http://www.traumasensitive.com/, https://a.co/d/9x4lPtk.

    What is the definition of hope? Hope is setting a goal that you desire, creating a pathway toward the goal, and utilizing the willpower necessary to achieve the goal through connection to another person.

    Dr. Sadin further states that Hope Builds Resilience and Resilience Builds Hope. She tells us that through the following three-step process we can build hope and resilience in our children at home and students at school:

    1. Set an achievable goal

    2. Set the pathway -the WAYPOWER

    3. Get a cheerleader- the WILLPOWER, who will help revise and check-in

    Melissa teaches us that:

    - Hope builds executive functioning capacity

    - Students with high hope have better attendance than students with low hope

    - Students with high hope have better academic outcomes than students with low hope- despite cognitive ability

    - Students with hope are more likely to find success in career or college sooner than students with low hope

    Listen in and join us in building hope!

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    44 mins