• Ep 43 - 5 Inflation Resistant Side Jobs You Can Do Today
    Feb 17 2025
    Ep 43 - 5 Inflation Resistant Side Jobs You Can Do Today

    Welcome to another episode of "Gigging, Everything and the Sharing Economy" with Mark Anthony Peterson. In today's episode, we'll explore five inflation-resistant side hustles or gig jobs you can start today! As inflation impacts the Sharing and Gig Economy, driving up the costs of goods and services, platforms like Airbnb and Uber are adjusting their pricing models. Higher operational costs can lead to increased prices for consumers and reduced demand. Additionally, as inflation erodes purchasing power, people may have less disposable income for gig economy services like food delivery and ride-sharing. Whether you're a current gig worker or looking to enter the gig economy during these challenging times, this episode is a must-listen.

    Email: mpeter1896@gmail.com
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    PayPal: mpeter18966@gmail.com
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    Spreaker Supporters Club: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/gigging-everything-sharing-economy--2906075/support

    Career Coaching Xs and Os – https://www.spreaker.com/show/careercoaching-xs-and-os
    Guerrillapreneur: The Art of Waging Small Business Warfare - https://www.spreaker.com/show/guerrillapreneur-podcast

    Support the show and purchase your Guerrillapreneur “Disrupt-or-Die” hats and T-Shirts. Click the link to shop - https://www.facebook.com/Guerrillapreneur/shop/?ref=65&ref_code=admin_preview_shop&ref_surface=page_manage_shop

    Check Out my new audio course on Listenable - https://listenable.io/web/courses/386/simple-ways-to-save-and-build-wealth/
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    18 mins
  • Ep 42 - Meet Bronwyn Morgan - Fndr & CEO Xeon Air - The Uber of Drones
    Aug 8 2021
    In this episode, I interview the co-founder and CEO of Xeo Air (https://xeoair.com/) Bronwyn Morgan. Xeo Air provides RGB, video, thermography, LIDAR, and other sensor capabilities for inspection and mapping through our trusted, FAA-certified and insured pilot network, for industries such as Construction, Telecom, Civil Infrastructure, Energy, Oil & Gas, and Insurance and Disaster Response.

    GUEST: Bronwyn Morgan is a sUAS (Drone) Part 107 certified pilot and is also the Head of Subculture Innovation Lab. Ms. Morgan is a board member for Startup Atlanta and Black Women In Steam.

    Like what you hear on the Gigging: Everything & The Sharing Economy Podcast? You may also like some of my other podcasts, include Career Coaching Xs and Os Podcast (Career Advice for Executives Seeing the Corner Office) and Guerrillapreneur: The Art of Waging Small Business Warfare (the Podcast for Business Mavericks). You can find Career Coaching Xs and Os on Spreaker at https://www.spreaker.com/show/careercoaching-xs-and-os. You can find Guerrillapreneur on Spreaker at https://www.spreaker.com/show/guerrillapreneur-podcast.

    Career Coaching Xs and Os – https://www.spreaker.com/show/careercoaching-xs-and-os
    Guerrillapreneur: The Art of Waging Small Business Warfare - https://www.spreaker.com/show/guerrillapreneur-podcast

    Support the show and purchase your Guerrillapreneur “Disrupt-or-Die” hats and T-Shirts. Click the link to shop - https://www.facebook.com/Guerrillapreneur/shop/?ref=65&ref_code=admin_preview_shop&ref_surface=page_manage_shop

    Check out my online course "How To Develop A Winning Business Pitch" https://ceyero-consulting-eschool.thinkific.com/courses/how-to-develop-a-winning-business-pitch. The course is only $139.00. If you need more help than the virtual lessons, reach out to us at Ceyero Consulting (www.ceyreo.com)

    Check Out my new audio course on Listenable - https://listenable.io/web/courses/386/simple-ways-to-save-and-build-wealth/

    Xeo Air– https://www.xeoair.com
    Email – info@xeoair.com
    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/xeoair
    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/xeo-air-inc

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/gigging-everything-sharing-economy--2906075/support.
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    43 mins
  • Ep 41 - Gigging News - WeWork Documentary, Airbnb of Gardens, Swimmy
    May 25 2021
    Episode 41 is another Gigging News episode. My cohost (Elle Tucker) and I discuss the Top News WeWork’s Adam Neumann Wasn’t Very Good at M&A https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-05-18/wework-spac-reveals-how-bad-former-ceo-adam-neumann-was-at-m-aBy Chris Bryant May 18, 2021There's An 'Airbnb' For Garden Rental, Here's How It WorksThere's An 'Airbnb' For Garden Rental, Here's How It Workshttps://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/theres-now-an-airbnb-for-garden-rental-heres-how-it-works_uk_60990cd3e4b0ae3c6880c972?utm_campaign=share_twitter&ncid=engmodushpmg00000004 By Rachel Moss, May 10, 2021.Airbnb sees massive travel rebound aheadhttps://techxplore.com/news/2021-05-airbnb-massive-rebound.htmlMAY 14, 2021Swimmy, a Successful French Platform for Pool Sharing, Announces its Official Launch in The U.S. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/swimmy-a-successful-french-platform-for-pool-sharing-announces-its-official-launch-in-the-us-301295306.html May 19, 2021 The latest innovative creation toward a collaborative economy: the rental of swimming pools between individualsThe gig economy is making the future of work brighter for womenhttps://fortune.com/2021/05/13/gig-economy-pros-cons-women-careers-unemployment-freelance-independent-contractors/By Liya Palagashvili, May 13, 2021Pomen creates pathway for mechanics to join Gig Economy https://www.digitalnewsasia.com/startups/pomen-creates-pathway-mechanics-join-gig-economy By Digital News Asia May 10, 2021Pomen creates pathway for mechanics to join Gig Economy | Digital News Asia PomenRider Programme for car owners to order mechanics on demand. ***We are looking forward to discussing the next Big Six News stories with you!Do you like Gigging: Everything and the Sharing Economy? If YES, you might also like my other podcasts, Guerrillapreneur: The Art of Waging Small Business Warfare and Career Coaching Xs and Os. Use the links below to give them a listen:Guerrillapreneur: The Art of Waging Small Business Warfare - Interviews with Startup Executives and Influencers. https://www.spreaker.com/show/guerrillapreneur-podcast Remember to get your Guerrillapreneur “Disrupt or Die” merchandise. Use this link to buy your hat or t-shirt - https://www.facebook.com/pg/Guerrillapreneur/shop/?ref=page_internal. Career Coaching Xs and Os - Career Advice for Executives who want the corner office. https://www.spreaker.com/show/careercoaching-xs-and-os. https://blog.feedspot.com/career_coach_podcasts/Do me a favor, please. Help me with customer discovery for my startup, Ziscuit. Ziscuit is a 2-sided marketplace where grocery stores bid to fulfill your shopping list. Please visit our website at https://www.ziscuit.shop and take our survey. Need help turning your Gig idea into a Sharing Economy business? Book a FREE one-hour consultation with our sponsor at https://www.ceyero.com/. Ceyero Consulting is a leading business management and technology consulting firm. Let’s continue the conversation. Follow the show on Twitter @GiggingAnd. REMEMBER TO SUPPORT THE SHOW. Like, subscribe, comment, about show on your favorite podcast listening platform. It will make me happy.Make sure to follow Gigging: Everything and the Sharing Economy on Twitter at www.twitter.com/GiggingAnd and on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/35592852/admin/ HOST INFORMATION: Eleanor “Elle” TuckerTwitter – https://twitter.com/ElleTucker LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/eleanortucker/ mark anthony petersonTwitter – https://twitter.com/guerillapreneur LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-peterson-guerrillapreneur/Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/gigging-everything-sharing-economy--2906075/support.
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    45 mins
  • Ep 40 - Meet Avi Manaim, CEO of Demandoo - On-Demand Insurance for Gig, Sharing & Shared Mobility Transactions
    Apr 20 2021
    Mark speaks with Avi Manaim, CEO of Demandoo. Demandoo harnesses state-of-the-art technology to make insurance simpler, clearer, and more cost-effective. Demandoo affordable, flexible, on-demand solution is designed to seamlessly adapt to dynamic situations. Instead of annual, blanket insurance that drains your account even when you don’t need it. Demandoo lets you protect exactly what needs protecting.

    GUEST: Before becoming the CEO of Demandoo, Avi Manaim was the Business Development Manager & Chief Innovation Officer at the Israeli Phoenix. Prior to that role, Manaim served as the Head of Customer Relations at Leverate. Prior to that role, Manaim was the Team Leader & Account Management, Senior Acct Mgr at Playtech and the Account Manager at eWave. Avi Manaim is a 2001 graduate from Shenkar with degrees in Engineering and IT.

    Like what you hear on the Gigging: Everything & The Sharing Economy Podcast? You may also like some of my other podcasts, include Career Coaching Xs and Os Podcast (Career Advice for Executives Seeing the Corner Office) and Guerrillapreneur: The Art of Waging Small Business Warfare (the Podcast for Business Mavericks). You can find Career Coaching Xs and Os on Spreaker at https://www.spreaker.com/show/careercoaching-xs-and-os. You can find Guerrillapreneur on Spreaker at https://www.spreaker.com/show/guerrillapreneur-podcast.

    Career Coaching Xs and Os – https://www.spreaker.com/show/careercoaching-xs-and-os
    Guerrillapreneur: The Art of Waging Small Business Warfare - https://www.spreaker.com/show/guerrillapreneur-podcast

    Support the show and purchase your Guerrillapreneur “Disrupt-or-Die” hats and T-Shirts. Click the link to shop - https://www.facebook.com/Guerrillapreneur/shop/?ref=65&ref_code=admin_preview_shop&ref_surface=page_manage_shop

    Check out my online course "How To Develop A Winning Business Pitch" https://ceyero-consulting-eschool.thinkific.com/courses/how-to-develop-a-winning-business-pitch. The course is only $139.00. If you need more help than the virtual lessons, reach out to us at Ceyero Consulting (www.ceyreo.com)

    Check Out my new audio course on Listenable - https://listenable.io/web/courses/386/simple-ways-to-save-and-build-wealth/

    Website: https://demandoo.com/
    Instagram: https://www.linkedin.com/company/demandoo-insurance/
    Email: info@demandoo.com

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/gigging-everything-sharing-economy--2906075/support.
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    42 mins
  • Ep 39 - Gigging News - Deliveroo IPO, Coliving & WeWork, Food Rescue Apps, and Physical Therapists Join the Gig Economy
    Apr 13 2021
    Episode 39 is another Gigging News episode. My cohost (Elle Tucker) and I discuss the Top News. Here are the articles we discussed in this episode:LONDON NEEDED A WIN. INSTEAD IT GOT ITS WORST IPO IN HISTORYhttps://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/02/investing/london-deliveroo-ipo/index.htmlBy Hanna Ziady, CNN Business, April 2, 2021‘WEWORK’ REVIEW: THE SHARING ECONOMY OR A SHARED DELUSION?https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/01/movies/WeWork-Or-the-Making-and-Breaking-of-a-47-Billion-Unicorn-review.htmlBy Ben Kenigsberg, April 1, 2021THE DRIVERS OF THE CO-LIVING INDUSTRYhttps://www.entrepreneur.com/article/368819By Suresh Rangarajan, Founder and CEO, Colive, April 7, 2021MILLIONS SIGN UP TO ANTI-FOOD-WASTE APPS TO SHARE THEIR UNUSED PRODUCEhttps://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/mar/21/millions-sign-up-to-anti-food-waste-apps-to-share-their-unused-produceBy Harriet Sherwood, March 21, 2021HOW BETTER MOBILE CROWDSOURCING CAN HELP COMBAT FOOD WASTE AND FEED THE HUNGRYhttps://insights.som.yale.edu/insights/how-better-mobile-crowdsourcing-can-help-combat-food-waste-and-feed-the-hungryBy Vahideh Manshadi, Scott Rodilitz - April 08, 2021HAS THE “GIG” ECONOMY COME TO PHYSICAL THERAPY?https://ryortho.com/breaking/has-the-gig-economy-come-to-physical-therapy/By Kim Delmonico, April 6th, 2021***We are looking forward to discussing the next Big Six News stories with you!Do you like Gigging: Everything and the Sharing Economy? If YES, you might also like my other podcasts, Guerrillapreneur: The Art of Waging Small Business Warfare and Career Coaching Xs and Os. Use the links below to give them a listen:Guerrillapreneur: The Art of Waging Small Business Warfare - Interviews with Startup Executives and Influencers. https://www.spreaker.com/show/guerrillapreneur-podcast Remember to get your Guerrillapreneur “Disrupt or Die” merchandise. Use this link to buy your hat or t-shirt - https://www.facebook.com/pg/Guerrillapreneur/shop/?ref=page_internal. Career Coaching Xs and Os - Career Advice for Executives who want the corner office. https://www.spreaker.com/show/careercoaching-xs-and-os. https://blog.feedspot.com/career_coach_podcasts/Do me a favor, please. Help me with customer discovery for my startup, Ziscuit. Ziscuit is a 2-sided marketplace where grocery stores bid to fulfill your shopping list. Please visit our website at https://www.ziscuit.shop and take our survey. Need help turning your Gig idea into a Sharing Economy business? Book a FREE one-hour consultation with our sponsor at https://www.ceyero.com/. Ceyero Consulting is a leading business management and technology consulting firm. Let’s continue the conversation. Follow the show on Twitter @GiggingAnd. REMEMBER TO SUPPORT THE SHOW. Like, subscribe, comment, about show on your favorite podcast listening platform. It will make me happy.Make sure to follow Gigging: Everything and the Sharing Economy on Twitter at www.twitter.com/GiggingAnd and on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/35592852/admin/ HOST INFORMATION: Eleanor “Elle” TuckerTwitter – https://twitter.com/ElleTucker LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/eleanortucker/ mark anthony petersonTwitter – https://twitter.com/guerillapreneur LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-peterson-guerrillapreneur/Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/gigging-everything-sharing-economy--2906075/support.
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    39 mins
  • Ep 38 - Meet Joseph Woodbury, CEO of Neighbor - Sharing Space and Saving The Planet
    Mar 31 2021
    Mark speaks with Joseph Woodbury, Co-founder & CEO of Neighbor, the Cheaper, Safer Storage platform, to turn the space you already have into cash. Neighbor is one of the fastest-growing space sharing platforms in the country (operating in all fifty states). Neighbor provides $25k in insurance to its renters and $1M policies for its hosts, the first for the storage industry. If you have space of any kind, Neighbor.com can help you rent it. EPISODE NOTESMark speaks with Joseph Woodbury, Co-founder & CEO of Neighbor, the Cheaper, Safer Storage platform, to turn the space you already have into cash. Neighbor is one of the fastest-growing space sharing platforms in the country (operating in all fifty states). Neighbor provides $25k in insurance to its renters and $1M policies for its hosts, the first for the storage industry. If you have space of any kind, Neighbor.com can help you rent it. GUEST: Before becoming the CEO of Neighbor.com, Joseph Woodbury was a Business Analyst for Internal Strategic Projects for the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder-Day Saints. Prior to that role, Woodbury served as a Business Analyst with Sorenson Capital Partners, an Associate Consultant Intern with Bain & Company, and a Senate Analyst in the office of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reed. Like what you hear on the Gigging: Everything & The Sharing Economy Podcast? You may also like some of my other podcasts, include Career Coaching Xs and Os Podcast (Career Advice for Executives Seeing the Corner Office) and Guerrillapreneur: The Art of Waging Small Business Warfare (the Podcast for Business Mavericks). You can find Career Coaching Xs and Os on Spreaker at https://www.spreaker.com/show/careercoaching-xs-and-os. You can find Guerrillapreneur on Spreaker at https://www.spreaker.com/show/guerrillapreneur-podcast. BECOME A GUERRILLAPRENEUR PATRONPlease support the show by contributing to www.patreon.com/guerrillapreneur. As a patron, you will get Guerrillapreneur merchandise to let everyone know that you are “DISRUPTING” your industry. Check out our new Guerrillapreneur hats and t-shirts. https://www.facebook.com/pg/Guerrillapreneur/shop/?ref=page_internal. If you can't donate, please share, like, and comment on the show or your favorite episode. Join the tribe by subscribing and encourage other like minds to do the same. Support us by following us on our social media platforms:Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Guerrillapreneur Twitter - https://twitter.com/Guerrillapreneur LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/13991093/admin/ Are you an artist/singer/songwriter? Want to feature your new song on my podcast FREE OF CHARGE? Tweet me @guerillapreneur. Remember, we only want "Mavericks!" Non-Mavericks don't have to go home, but they got to get up out of this podcast. Keep fighting, Guerrillapreneurs!!! DISRUPT-OR-DIE GUERRILLAPRENEUR MERCHANDISESupport the show and purchase your Guerrillapreneur “Disrupt-or-Die” hats and T-Shirts. Click the link to shop - https://www.facebook.com/Guerrillapreneur/shop/?ref=65&ref_code=admin_preview_shop&ref_surface=page_manage_shopLAUNCHING A STARTUP? NEED HELP DEVELOPING YOUR PITCH?Check out my online course "How To Develop A Winning Business Pitch" https://ceyero-consulting-eschool.thinkific.com/courses/how-to-develop-a-winning-business-pitch. The course is only $139.00. If you need more help than the virtual lessons, reach out to us at Ceyero Consulting (www.ceyreo.com)DO YOU WANT SIMPLE WAYS TO SAVE AND BUILD WEALTH?Check Out my new audio course on Listenable - https://listenable.io/web/courses/386/simple-ways-to-save-and-build-wealth/GUEST INFORMATIONWebsite: https://www.neighbor.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/storewithneighbor/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neighborstorage/?hl=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/Neighborstorage Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqMhzAkQu2xcpgOCBSiy0ww Tel: (801) 653-0264Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/gigging-everything-sharing-economy--2906075/support.
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    52 mins
  • Ep 37 - Gigging News - UK rules on Uber, Ridesharing Jets, Make Money Watching Sports, Gig Economy Moves Into Banking and Healthcare
    Mar 11 2021
    Episode 37 is another Gigging News episode. My cohost (Elle Tucker) and I discuss the Top News UK SUPREME COURT RULES ON UBER https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-56123668By Mary-Ann Russon 19 Feb 2021THE UBERIZATION OF PRIVATE JETS MIGHT BE HERE TO STAYhttps://www.aviationpros.com/aircraft/business-general-aviation/news/21210584/the-uberization-of-private-jets-might-be-here-to-stayFeb 17th, 2021 By Jon SindreuRECAST MONETIZES SOCCER MEDIA CONTENThttps://www.forbes.com/sites/stevemccaskill/2021/02/26/hibernian-fans-can-earn-their-club-money-by-watching-videos-on-recast/?sh=35de8f3420bcSteve McCaskil 26 Feb 2021FILMPLACE, THE AIRBNB OF MOVIE LOCATIONS https://www.techinasia.com/this-airbnb-like-startup-film-production-firms-nets-220k-fundingMiguel Cordon · 23 Feb 2021HOW THE SENIOR CARE INDUSTRY STANDS TO BENEFIT FROM THE GIG ECONOMYhttps://www.iadvanceseniorcare.com/how-the-senior-care-industry-stands-to-benefit-from-the-gig-economy/February 25, 2021, By PAIGE CERULLIFINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS WILL INCREASE USE OF GIG ECONOMY WORKERS IN NEAR FUTUREhttps://www.monitordaily.com/news-posts/financial-institutions-will-increase-use-of-gig-economy-workers-in-near-future/FEB 26, 2021 - 6:52 am***We are looking forward to discussing the next Big Six News stories with you!Do you like Gigging: Everything and the Sharing Economy? If YES, you might also like my other podcasts, Guerrillapreneur: The Art of Waging Small Business Warfare and Career Coaching Xs and Os. Use the links below to give them a listen:Guerrillapreneur: The Art of Waging Small Business Warfare - Interviews with Startup Executives and Influencers. https://www.spreaker.com/show/guerrillapreneur-podcast Remember to get your Guerrillapreneur “Disrupt or Die” merchandise. Use this link to buy your hat or t-shirt - https://www.facebook.com/pg/Guerrillapreneur/shop/?ref=page_internal. Career Coaching Xs and Os - Career Advice for Executives who want the corner office. https://www.spreaker.com/show/careercoaching-xs-and-os. https://blog.feedspot.com/career_coach_podcasts/Do me a favor, please. Help me with customer discovery for my startup, Ziscuit. Ziscuit is a 2-sided marketplace where grocery stores bid to fulfill your shopping list. Please visit our website at https://www.ziscuit.shop and take our survey. Need help turning your Gig idea into a Sharing Economy business? Book a FREE one-hour consultation with our sponsor at https://www.ceyero.com/. Ceyero Consulting is a leading business management and technology consulting firm. Let’s continue the conversation. Follow the show on Twitter @GiggingAnd. REMEMBER TO SUPPORT THE SHOW. Like, subscribe, comment, about show on your favorite podcast listening platform. It will make me happy.Make sure to follow Gigging: Everything and the Sharing Economy on Twitter at www.twitter.com/GiggingAnd and on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/35592852/admin/ HOST INFORMATION: Eleanor “Elle” TuckerTwitter – https://twitter.com/ElleTucker LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/eleanortucker/ mark anthony petersonTwitter – https://twitter.com/guerillapreneur LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mark-peterson-guerrillapreneur/Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/gigging-everything-sharing-economy--2906075/support.
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    42 mins
  • Ep 36 - Meet Iwona Pológ, Head of Partner Value at Appjobs - Building the Infrastructure of the Gig Economy
    Feb 16 2021
    Mark speaks with Ms. Iwona Polog, Head of Partner Value at Appjobs. During the episode, Ms. Polog shares her thoughts on how the pandemic has impacted the Gig Economy including how new services have emerged because of the continued lock-down. Ms. Polog also spoke in detail about how AppJobs is creating the infrastructure for the Future-of-Work for both sides of the market, Gig Workers and Gig Companies.EPISODE NOTESMark speaks with Ms. Iwona Polog, Head of Partner Value at Appjobs. During the episode, Ms. Polog shares her thoughts on how the pandemic has impacted the Gig Economy including how new services have emerged because of the continued lock-down. Ms. Polog also spoke in detail about how AppJobs is creating the infrastructure for the Future-of-Work for both sides of the market, Gig Workers and Gig Companies.GUEST: Ms. Iwona Polog is the Head of Partner Value at AppJobs. Prior to AppJobs, Ms. Polog was the CEO at Optimizers and the Managing Director at Searchlab/Agora SA. She also worked as the Online Coupon Business Director at Agora SA. Ms. Polog has Journalism & Archeology degrees from the University of Warsaw and an MBA from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.Like what you hear on the Gigging: Everything & The Sharing Economy Podcast? You may also like some of my other podcasts, include Career Coaching Xs and Os Podcast (Career Advice for Executives Seeing the Corner Office) and Guerrillapreneur: The Art of Waging Small Business Warfare (the Podcast for Business Mavericks). You can find Career Coaching Xs and Os on Spreaker at https://www.spreaker.com/show/careercoaching-xs-and-os. You can find Guerrillapreneur on Spreaker at https://www.spreaker.com/show/guerrillapreneur-podcast. BECOME A GUERRILLAPRENEUR PATRONPlease support the show by contributing to www.patreon.com/guerrillapreneur. As a patron, you will get Guerrillapreneur merchandise to let everyone know that you are “DISRUPTING” your industry. Check out our new Guerrillapreneur hats and t-shirts. https://www.facebook.com/pg/Guerrillapreneur/shop/?ref=page_internal. If you can't donate, please share, like, and comment on the show or your favorite episode. Join the tribe by subscribing and encourage other like minds to do the same. Support us by following us on our social media platforms:Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Guerrillapreneur Twitter - https://twitter.com/Guerrillapreneur LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/13991093/admin/ Are you an artist/singer/songwriter? Want to feature your new song on my podcast FREE OF CHARGE? Tweet me @guerillapreneur. Remember, we only want "Mavericks!" Non-Mavericks don't have to go home, but they got to get up out of this podcast. Keep fighting, Guerrillapreneurs!!! DISRUPT-OR-DIE GUERRILLAPRENEUR MERCHANDISESupport the show and purchase your Guerrillapreneur “Disrupt-or-Die” hats and T-Shirts. Click the link to shop - https://www.facebook.com/Guerrillapreneur/shop/?ref=65&ref_code=admin_preview_shop&ref_surface=page_manage_shopLAUNCHING A STARTUP? NEED HELP DEVELOPING YOUR PITCH?Check out my online course "How To Develop A Winning Business Pitch" https://ceyero-consulting-eschool.thinkific.com/courses/how-to-develop-a-winning-business-pitch. The course is only $39.00. If you need more help than the course can offer, reach out to us at Ceyero Consulting (www.ceyreo.com)GUEST INFORMATIONLinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/iwonapolog/Website: https://www.appjobs.com/Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/gigging-everything-sharing-economy--2906075/support.
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    48 mins